B-Ahead Marketing

+91 98200 71610 | iopt@indiaoptnow.com
is like the game of
Snakes & Ladders.
One needs the correct
to win!
Wish marketing was a one-size fit all recipe. But it isn’t. Let me state the obvious. TRULY marketing and sales are two diametrically contrasting dimensions, with a common goal, in business development. While SALES may be like infantry that adopts a quick fire “Push Strategy” to meet short term targets of a month, quarter or an entire FY, MARKETING has the responsibility of shooting long range missiles to pave the way for a long term “Pull Strategy” for building sustainable customer engagement. It addresses the need right from the month one to FY through to the next vision horizon. Effective marketing strategy involves consideration of myriad dimensions like brand values, brand promise, brand trust, sector specificity, customer profile, pricing, positioning, competition, socio-cultural influences, need versus desire buying criteria of the customer… and I can go on-and-on. The key to effective marketing strategy is to create a relationship of trust with our customer. Create a promise that we can’t deliver, time after time with the same quality commitment. For the demand for a brand to go viral and the lead generation inquiries to start flooding, we need to build customer inclusive-ness through SUBERBRAND Transformation. SuperBRAND Transformation is transforming brand through a combination of Purpose Led Movement based communications. Talk purpose instead of product. Drive value in our customer’s life. Building a responsible brand that is willing to go beyond business. And this movement must begin with a movement inside before creating a movement outside. Our employees, our sales channels, our vendors, our supply chain partners are our biggest brand ambassadors. Every employee right up to our manufacturing units must be inspired and driven with the movement purpose. When all stake holders, all the way up to the customers, speak the same language of pride… of purpose… when they all resonate with common value, the business grows automatically. Business Communications is more like ‘putting your own house in order’ approach. Ideally, the first step, in creating Communication Vibrance is to conduct a brand Audit and Assessment. How do our internal and external customers perceive our brand. What needs do they expect our product(s) to fulfil. Under-standing customer perception is integral for any marketing strategy. A necessary tool for SuperBRAND building as well. Once the brand need-gaps analysis is in place, it serves as a perfect ingredient for defining the Brand Strategy. The next im-portant functional aspect is to design the Go-to-Market Strategy. With the sttrategy in place, it is time to develop focused ‘call-to-action’ Marketing Communications that will generate leads. Mind you lead generation is only a step towards boosting your bottom line. For the business leads to convert into positive busi-ness, we need to create a compelling Sales Communication with a sales pitch and repeat follow-up communications to not just sell our product but also to sell our intent, our commitment. Our post sale service orientation. That is what gives our customer their value for money – Trust. And, in turn, what you get is their habit to consume your brand, again and again. Right etiquette of communication in our verbal, non-verbal and written communications are another very important facet of communication. Appropriate communication at all customer touch points is what compliments our efforts of brand building. Once the communication Vibrance is in place, the lead generation will begin to trickle. Truly marketing requires due diligence and patience but the results are inevitable to come by.